Document 1933 DOCN M94A1933 TI The ethics of anti-HIV vaccine researchs: contribution from people living with AIDS. DT 9412 AU Costa R; De Lima RM; Messias C; Ventura M; Gomes M; Pela VIDDA Group/Niteroi, RJ, Brazil. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):418 (abstract no. PD0282). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370642 AB OBJECTIVE: To verify the contributions which people living with AIDS can give, through your organized groups to the discussions about researchs with applicant products to vaccine. METHODS: This study had come from NGO's/AIDS participations at preliminary and following discussions with Rio researches centers and National Vaccine Committee. We have verified on behavior and ethics a no organization of any common practice, with agreement to the general points already accepted about well-known vaccines used against other infections, wich are not caused by HIV, and however fundamental disagreements that had impeded cooperation terms. It has been researched all debates in that two NGO's forums and meetings and workshops, as well in the documental registers. RESULTS: Are singular contributions from people living with AIDS: 1) Change of epidemiological model refered to sexual orientation; 2) Revision of incurrence/intervention relation on incurrence researches; 3) Researcher/infected person relation is potentiated by organized groups of HIV bearer; 4) The prejudice come from researchers attitudes, without they have conscious of it. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: With the AIDS it has rupture in ethics of traditional research while code, and rise new emergencies in this area. The suggestion of Pela VIDDA Group Juridical Service in those discussions is chiefly to hear the people living with AIDS, from which are particulary possible the productions in one necessary logic of the risk. DE *Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome *AIDS Vaccines *Bioethics Brazil *Ethics, Professional Human Organizations *Research MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).